INDIA'S FIRST & ONLY ISO 9001:2008 Certified Special School

Mankind is grateful to GOD for bestowing senses like eyes to see, ears to hear, hands & legs to work, brain to think independently free of cost. Some children are born with mental disabilities in this world. The task to bring up such kids is very difficult but it can be made easier if responsibilities of parents are shared by others.

We are Registered under
- Societies Act 1869 as per Certificate No. 648 dated 04-9-1995 of Register of Societies, Govt. of Punjab.
- Ministry of Social Justice, Child & Women Development, Punjab Government.
- Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India.
- LIncome Tax department for deduction u/s 80G of Income Tax Act 1961
- The National Trust, New Delhi.
- The National Institute of Mentally Handicapped, Hyderabad.
- Rehabilitation Council of India.